You can find the flashcards here. I printed, laminated, & cut them out and I was ready to sing about the months of the year with my littles. When teaching the months, we first learned them in order (here is the song I sing to my kids on the months). After we learned the months in order we were able to sort them into seasons. Have fun with your little one with these flashcards!
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Months of the Year +FREE Download
In early February we were learning the letter M, which led to the perfect opportunity to talk about and learn the months of the year and seasons. I made these flashcards to use and I want to share them with you today!

You can find the flashcards here. I printed, laminated, & cut them out and I was ready to sing about the months of the year with my littles. When teaching the months, we first learned them in order (here is the song I sing to my kids on the months). After we learned the months in order we were able to sort them into seasons. Have fun with your little one with these flashcards!
You can find the flashcards here. I printed, laminated, & cut them out and I was ready to sing about the months of the year with my littles. When teaching the months, we first learned them in order (here is the song I sing to my kids on the months). After we learned the months in order we were able to sort them into seasons. Have fun with your little one with these flashcards!