Last week was busy! I feel like I’m beginning to start every post in the same way, but last week really was busy; honestly! Phil took his first exam of the semester and did great! I worked on a paper for one of my courses and turned it in yesterday so hopefully I do as well as Phil. Friday night, to celebrate Phil’s awesome test score, we went to RA, our favorite sushi restaurant in Houston. As always it was delicious. Saturday Phil and I started the weekend at our work-outs (note, if we worked out together I would probably die, I just can’t keep up with him). On Saturday evening we were in a bake-off competition. Actually I think it was more of a “sweet-off” competition because any sweet treats could be entered. This was my first competition of this sort and it was really fun! There were 2 prizes, one for best looking and one for best tasting. We were ok with not placing because we still got to try all of the yummy treats.
The “Sweet-Off” Competition

Who needs dinner when you can fill-up on treats?!

Best in taste winner!

Best in looks winner!

As with last weekend, there was a lot of football watching this weekend. University of Houston, where Phil and I take classes, has not had a very good football team since we have been living in Houston. But a couple weeks ago something happened and they are awesome this year! The UH vs. Texas Tech game was so awesome to watch! Go Cougs!
Last week was the coolest it has been in Houston since March! We had a “cold front” come through here and the temperature high was only in the high 70’s!! It was awesome! I can’t believe that I’m going to say this, but I even got to wear long sleeves last week! Since it was cooler and I have been fighting myself on it for the past 2 weeks, I finally let myself decorate for the season. I’m not a big Halloween person, but I love the season of autumn so that’s mostly how we decorated. Once we were done, and I had lit all of the candles, it looked like I had built some sort of shrine to the gods of autumn haha just kidding, but seriously I might have gone overboard on the candles. Our house for autumn:
The Kitchen

The dining room

The living room (notice who is on tv!)

Last year for Christmas I gave Phil tickets to go skydiving, because he said that he has always wanted to do that. Well, we haven’t done it yet. When we saw tickets on sale for the Steeler-Ravens game at the same time that we will be home for Christmas, I told Phil that he could “cash-in” his skydiving tickets for the football tickets. Needless to say, Phil is very excited about the football game.
This will be the beautiful view of the Three Rivers from our seats in Heinze Field

This week starts the second annual Octoberstach in our house. The guys at Phil’s work shave off all of their facial hair on October 1st and grow it out for the entire month of October. Last year we got so many funny looks when we were out in public. I was a little hesitant about starting this tradition last year, but I can’t lie, it is funny! Most of the pregnant ladies in our smallgroup are taking pictures week-to-week of their growing bellies, I’m considering taking a picture of Phil’s moustache from week-to-week to monitor the growing process, hahahaha!
This is Phil at the end of October last year as a cop for Halloween. haha

Speaking of pregnant women from our smallgroup, Congratulations to the Bercaws on the birth of their new baby boy, Danial Isaiah, on September 25th.
Have a great week Hawley Blog Readers!