Are you now humming that song? I am! My sweet blogging friend,
Shatzi, just awarded me with the Sunshine Blog Award!! I’m so grateful and excited! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Have you met
Shatzi at Loads and Loads of Love and Laundry? Well get over there! She is awesome and super talented!

So the Sunshine Award is an award given to bloggers “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere." I am so honored that someone would think of me in that way!! WOW! Thank you Shatzi!
For the award, I will answer 10 predetermined questions. So hopefully with these questions you’ll get to know me better :-)
1. Favorite color- My favorite color is
purple, but I call it graple. Get it? grapes + purple = graple!
2. Favorite animal- My favorite animals are
Tomlin and Rooney. Yes, I’m absolutely biased, but I don’t care. These 4-legged babies of mine are my world :-)
3. Favorite number- I’m a bit OCD about this: I like all even numbers. For example, everything has to be in twos. I only eat 2 M&M’s at a time, I only set the alarm clock on even numbers. If I have to pick, my two favorite even numbers are 2 and 4. (Sidebar- rereading this convinces me that I’m a nut!)
4. Favorite Drink- Sweet Tea! I’m a southern girl through and through!
5. Facebook or Twitter- oooo this is a tough one! I guess I like them both for different reasons. I like Facebook for all of the pictures, but I like the status aspect of Twitter. If you haven't found LWTH on these two social media websites, you can check us out
here on Facebook and
here on Twitter (Like the personal plug? LOL).
6. Good book or good movie- Book!!! I don’t care for fiction, and memoirs are my favorite books to read.
7. My passion- The Lord!!! I love Jesus and try to live my life in accordance with His will for my life.
8. Giving or getting gifts- Giving! I definitely get more excited about picking out the most perfect gift for each person and then watching their reaction as they unwrap the package.
9. Favorite day- I know this might be weird for some, but I love Mondays. I feel like it’s a nice new blank slate to tackle another week.
10. Favorite flower- Tulips are my all time favorite flower, with the hydrangea as a close second.
Thank you so much Shatzi!!!