Y'all went crazy for the
Autumn Activity Pack that I shared back in September. Our family had so much fun with the autumn set & I had
so many requests to make a Christmas one ...... so I did :-) However, I made this one much
BIGGER. I have compiled more ideas for activities & games that you can play as your kiddo is they're learning. My philosophy is to teach as much as I can with as little prep as possible, and that is exactly what I tried to do with this pack. Literally there are
20+ activities that you can get out of this, and I'm giving it to for
FREE!!!! You can use this single printable, to teach so many subjects at various stages of cognitive development. Let's check it out:

I am a big fan of having one activity that can be used to teach multiple objectives. It’s a big perk, if that activity will grow with my child & I can use it at multiple stages of cognitive development. And if it is seasonally exciting, well then
I. Am. Sold. This is one of those activities, and I have it for you today
FREE! There are SO many ways that you can use this as a learning tool with your kiddos. There is minimal prep for
20+ unique activities!

First get the
FREE download, print, laminate, & cut. You can use this activity for learning the alphabet, matching uppercase and lowercase letter, sorting, counting .... and so so so so much more. Let me give you some ideas!
Alphabet. Ask your child to recognize the letters & put them in alphabetical order.
Magnetic Pick-Up. Attach a paper clip to each image, & using a
magnetic wand pick up specific letters (all vowels or consonants, spelling sight words, or call out a phonetic sound & ask your child to find the letters that make that sound).
Matching. Practice pairing uppercase & lowercase letters.

Memory. Flip the cards over, and play memory by matching the uppercase & lowercase letters or by matching the seasonal images.
Handwriting. Using a dry erase marker, practice letter and number recognition & tracing each letter or digit.

Spelling. Using the large wreath, ask your child to collect letters to spell words (sight words, CVC words, their name). If your child is not ready for spelling, using a dry erase marker, write out a word in the large wreath and ask your child to recreate what you wrote with the letters.

Sort. Group all of the similar images (or by color), and then talk about the different aspects of the season. Compare the amount of images sorted (more versus less). Place the numbers in piles of even & odd numbers
Count. Put the numbers in chronological order (1-20). Use marshmallows, chocolate chips, or cotton balls to count by 10’s up to 100.

Add. Count all of the sorted images, and use them for basic addition and subtraction (“if you have 2 ornaments & you add 2 gifts, how many do you have?”). Use the numbers to create mathematical equations.
Graph. Make a bar graph for the amount of differing images. Compare which bars are the largest.

There are so many ways that you can use this pack of activities for fun & engaging learning. We are enjoying how festive & fun this activity is, and I am enjoying the minimal prep to cover so many topics! If you think your child would enjoy learning with this activity set, click here for the
FREE download!