Since I just compiled June, I figured I might as well keep going in an effort to catch-up as much as possible on our monthly updates. July this year, was a big month in that we took our first family vacation ever! I was nervous about the drive, a little over 15 hours (see my road trip tips here) with 2 little ones, but it was awesome. I’m so glad that we got to attend the big family reunion in Nebraska; lots of great memories! The big drawback this month was that Dutch got REALLY sick in Nebraska and that took him out and to the doctor A LOT for about 3 weeks. It was pretty scary, but we got a diagnosis and he has since healed and back to normal. Praise the Lord! But certainly a busy and fun month packed in around being sick and a mega road trip, with Vacation Bible School, the Fourth of July, & my last milk bank donation. We are now convinced more than ever that we might need a bigger car ;-)