I know that my kids are little sponges and are watching my every move, so it’s important for me to demonstrate to my kids that I like them & our life just the way it is. I don't need to airbrush or lift anything.
I like my body the way it is because it carried my babies.
I love their bodies because God made them that way.
I like our home because it is a blessing provided to us by God.
It is important for me to embrace the unedited version of life. The realness, the authenticity. I don't like fake. Honestly, I don't have time for fake; I don’t have the time to edit every picture. Not to say I will never edit photos again, I’m sure occasionally I will, but for the most part I don't edit photos, especially not in this new series. This series, Honestly Hawley, is going to be an unedited look at our REAL lives, highlighting things that we are eating a lot of, or playing with all the time, or reading, or just little authentic scenes from our home. So I’ll be keepin’ it real and everything is straight from my lens to your computer (……or phone, wherever you read LWTH lol). I know that one day I will look back at these posts of regular days like a time capsule, with fondness of great memories.