I think I must have God rolling!
He keeps teaching me this lesson over and over again. Maybe one day it will finally click for me. I had Thanksgiving all planned….down to the very last second. The entire 4 day weekend was jam packed with fun activities, shopping, and a 23 lb turkey. That all came to a screeching halt when Phil got a call out to an oil rig at 1pm the day before Thanksgiving for an undetermined amount of time. I felt crushed! I had been looking forward to this weekend since September. Going from a house full of people and fun times to a 4-day weekend alone was NOT the weekend I had planned on.With a lot of prayer, I found myself capable of being the supporting wife that my husband needed me to be while he was away. Praise the Lord for telephones and puppies to snuggle with!
So instead of the weekend I had planned, I made a new plan. I still did my cooking but just a little bit each day (in the hopes that Phil would be home before it all went bad lol). I have to say cooking a little bit each day is a lot better than mass cooking.
Phil returned Sunday afternoon and we had a feast. It may not have been the weekend I had planned, but He always knows better than me. Phil’s return was the best Thanksgiving I’ve ever had, even if it was 3 days late!
Hope you had a chance to thank the Lord for your blessings this Thanksgiving.