Last week I was guest posting over at Giggles, Glitz and Glam. I shared my to do list for the rest of the year with you and today I wanted to update you with where I am with my *fun* to-do’s.
Here are my 12 before 20-12:
See snow- I did not see any in Houston, but I didn’t expect to lol. I have seen some crisp snow back on the coast and I love it.

Snuggle up on the couch with my honey watching Christmas movies, especially the old classics like “It’s a Wonderful Life” and drink hot coc0a. We have not watched any movies yet, but that’s because we’ve been engrossed in football. Since I love football, this is NOT complaint.

Wear big soft warm fluffy socks. Yes! I have been doing this everyday!

Go to the food court at the mall and people-watch the Christmas shoppers. Phil and I went to Macy’s in Houston and Pittsburgh to do our Christmas shopping. We had so much fun!

Take Tomlin to Petsmart to meet Santa. Yep! We did this the first weekend in December. I was so proud of Tomlin for being such a good puppy!

Decorate our house for Christmas. Yep I got this done the Friday after Thanksgiving. You can see our decorations

Wrap Christmas gifts- Check!

Go see the Steelers play the Rams on Christmas Eve- Yes! And we also surprised my mother in law and nephew with jerseys and tickets. They are fanatics like us and it was their first game. Watching their excitement was better than the actual game for us <insert huge goofy grin here>

Celebrate my 4-year Anniversary with the Mr. Yep! This was yesterday and I can’t believe how fast these years have gone by! I’m definitely looking forward to this next year with Phil :-)

Bake a ridiculous amount of cookies to send home to family- I did not get this one done. Maybe I will get this done in 2012. I did however make these pretzel treats:

See the Nutcracker- Hubby surprised me with tickets
again this year. While he was supposed to go with me he got called out on a core chase, so I went with a friend. It was fabulous as always :-)

Get all glitzed up to ring in the new year with a kiss from my sweetie :-) I am going shopping with my sister for a sparkly dress so that I can start the year with sparkles!

I have to say, this sounds like the most *fun* to-do list I have ever made! I wish all to do lists were this fun :-) What are you plans for the new year? Do you have any goals or resolutions that you’ve been thinking about?