I typically like to pick a word based on a verse of scripture every year. The past few years have been challenging words/verses that have pushed me beyond what I thought I could handle with words like perseverance and rerooting (2015, 2016, 2017, 2017 response). These phrases & verses have required me to make some really tough & uncomfortable decisions over the years. I have to say, despite being extremely challenging words, they were verses of Truth that were woven through all aspects of my life and guided (and continue to lead me) on a daily basis. While these have been challenging words, they have truly sharpened me all year long, and I’m grateful for them. The past couple years have been my absolute toughest (hands-down!), and like most years I have gotten nervous towards the end of the year as I thought about what I might face in the new year.
I felt a pull for my word of focus for 2018 back in October. And like most years, it has taken some time for me to adjust to a new way of thinking. This year I am focusing on MORE, based on Ephesians 3:20. Let me quickly add, that I’m not seeking to add more things to my life or gain more financially or anything like that. This is not a plea for materialism. Instead this is a shift in thinking, to seek broader thoughts; that there is always MORE going on than what I can see. Me, small me, cannot possibly see or understand the scope of what God is doing, or why He allows certain things to happen in my life and in the world around me. Instead of being disappointed or feeling bitterness or discontent I have to practice understanding that there is MORE going on than what I can see or understand. And the God of all creation does not owe me an explanation for His work.
Additionally there is MORE to me than what I see in myself. While I do not know all of the plans the Lord has for me and I often feel like a failure, lacking empowerment, & broken, there is some redeeming quality that the Lord wants me to pursue; that He still has MORE work for me here. And while I cannot wrap my mind around it, the daily struggles I have are for good and His glory.
Sometimes I think that I have been focused on Christ but have still slipped into the water. But I have to remember, constantly remind myself, that there is MORE in this ocean of life and I can’t see it all right now (Matthew 14:22-34). I just have to keep focused and pray for good and that I can see good in myself.
I got this necklace back in October, and you may have seen me wearing it, as a reminder for myself every time I get a glimpse in the mirror, that there is far MORE going on than I realize or can see in my time. In years past the beginning of the year with a new word has been challenging but by the end of the year, I have felt stronger in that arena. This year has been the same. I have struggled to believe this. If I used my “friend voice” I of course would say this to others, but it has been a real challenge learning to apply the concept of MORE to myself. I have done poorly here, & have even bucked at the idea that there are any redeeming qualities in me. I hope by the end of the year as I work in this area with not narrowing my focus so much on what is lacking that I will learn what isn’t lacking, that there really is MORE going on around me.