Monday, May 24, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010
Summer Soup
“Potato soup is an unsung hero of the soup world; there is just nothing more belly-pleasing” ~Paula Deen
I know you must be thinking, what is the connection between the hearty & famous winter potato soup and the title of this post?! My good friend Paula (though, she doesn’t know we’re friends yet) has a tip for making this yummy soup in the summer…just add shrimp! I think that practically every dish can have a summer-time version when you add seafood. You can try this too, beginning with your own recipe of potato soup. Starting with a pound of fresh shrimp: cook ‘em, shell ‘em, cut ‘em & throw 'em in the potato soup about 10 minutes before serving. If the shrimp are in the soup longer than 10 minutes they will overcook. Also add to your soup: seasoned salt and a few shakes of tobasco (bring the bottle out to the table though, because some people might like to heat their bowls up a little bit more). When I served the soup, I topped it with the usual cheddar and bacon, but also a sprinkle of Old Bay. And wah-la, a summer-time version of potato soup!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What is the traffic like?
Family & friends from back home ask us this all the time: “What is the traffic like?” In an extremely overpopulated city it isn’t always fun but you adapt to the several hour long morning (5am-10am) and evening (3pm-7:30pm) traffic and learn to "pack your patience". For example, we live less than 4 miles from my office and on a normal day (without any accidents, stalled vehicles, overturned tractor-trailers, etc.) the commute only takes me about 30-45 minutes one-way. However, I will say that the road system here is built specifically to accommodate an overpopulated and extremely large city: road signs are different, we have feeders and 14-lane highways, everyone drives on bridges that go over the city all the time, etc. Recently there was even a special on the History channel about our road system; if you see the repeat, it can do a much better job of explaining the Houston road system.
Yesterday I was stuck in a traffic jam for about 20 minutes so I had the opportunity to take this shot for you. Thank goodness for the traffic jam, so that I could get you this visual of a normal day, right?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Final Week: Repeat Offenders
Last week was our last week of Doulos (the singles bible study that Phil and I led this semester). We not only learned more about spiritual disciplines, but also about working as a team to develop disciples. It was such a rewarding experience and I’m so glad that we responded to God’s calling to serve together in this way.
An added bonus to the class was that I had 5 extra (hungry) food critics to feed every week. This gave me the chance to really plow through some new recipes that would be silly for me to make for just Phil and me. For the last week I made the top 3 favorites from the semester: BBQ Jalapeno Poppers, Patsy’s Blackberry Cobbler, & Monkey bread (All by the PW). The monkey bread was devoured before I could get a picture, so that must have been the favorite.
Last time I made the Poppers, I only put BBQ sauce on ½ of the poppers, but this time I put it on all of them and I like them much better with.
Last time I made the cobbler I used blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a great combination for cobbler, but this time I just used raspberries…and yum-o! If you couldn’t tell, there was a lot of gorging going on at our last session to celebrate! Now that the semester is over, let the dieting begin!
An added bonus to the class was that I had 5 extra (hungry) food critics to feed every week. This gave me the chance to really plow through some new recipes that would be silly for me to make for just Phil and me. For the last week I made the top 3 favorites from the semester: BBQ Jalapeno Poppers, Patsy’s Blackberry Cobbler, & Monkey bread (All by the PW). The monkey bread was devoured before I could get a picture, so that must have been the favorite.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It's what I do
When I’m not writing lectures, giving lectures, grading papers, reading, writing, or meeting with students, I’m counting. Counting sounds like an easy task, right? I mean it is just numbers. When people call/email me while I’m at work & ask me what I’m doing and I say that I’m counting, this is what I’m staring at under the microscope……for hooooouuuurrrrrsssss. I have a love-hate relationship with these little brown dots. These “dots” by the way, are neural markers of resiliency and plasticity upregulated with the onset of chronic stress (yes, this is my inner nerd coming out).
A region of the brain associated with learning and memory, known as the hippocampus

And now for a "close-up"

A region of the brain associated with emotion, known as the amygdala

Up close and personal with cells in the amygdala

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