After much research and questioning other mamas, here is what I have packed for mama, daddy, and Little Peep when d-day arrives and we hit the road to the hospital. I would recommend that you pack three different bags, one for each person, and have this completed by 32 weeks when you still have energy to spend packing. Don’t wait because it will just build anxiety, and there is no point in that.
Mama’s bag should be divided into two sections, or have two totally separate bags to help organize items needed for labor and items for postpartum. There are some items that you can’t pack until the very last minute. I placed a list on top of my bag of these items so that we remember to grab them on the way out: computer and charger, phones and chargers, camera and charger, hair dryer and straightener, and purse. What is already packed:
- Labor
- several copies of your birth plan signed by mama and daddy
- insurance documentation
- lavender essential oil
- labor gown
- a birthing ball if your hospital does not provide one for you. Mine hospital does, but I have one also for laboring at home.
- hair ties, Good Spin Pins, and fabric headbands to keep you hair out of your face
- Post-partum
- nursing pillow with the pillow case already washed
- nursing products- nipple shield, natural nipple cream (or lanolin), nursing pads (just one pair), gel pads
- nail files for baby- the quick is too close to cut baby’s nails but you don’t want them to scratch themselves so you can use a nail file. Many hospitals discourage the mittens because it prevents the baby from learning to self-sooth, but you still don’t want them to scratch their cornea or something so a nail file will be helpful
- dry shampoo and a hair brush….you’ve gotta learn now that getting a shower every day just might not happen
- makeup- I just bought a second set of everything to pack (i.e. brushes, concealer, powder, etc.). I mean I know I will use it all eventually, and now I don’t have to worry about it not getting packed and left at home.
- thank you notes for the nurses
- baby book- make sure you read through this before you go to the hospital to see what you could put in there. For example, in my book for Little Peep there is a place for the hospital to put in his foot prints
- toiletries: tooth brush, tooth paste, mouthwash, shampoo & conditioner, face wash (I make my own, recipe here), deodorant, cotton pads
- 2-3 pairs of yoga pants or leggings
- slippers
- nursing bras without an underwire (the underwire can make it take longer for your milk to come in)
- large undies, also don’t forget to buy super large feminine pads for when you get home
- PJs with “easy access”
- cardigan or robe if you want
- 2-3 nursing tops
- fuzzy socks
- an outfit to come home in (don’t forget shoes with some wiggle room in case you have a c-section and have some swelling). This outfit should be a maternity outfit because your belly will be around the 6 month pregnant size
- sweat pants and a t-shirt for sleeping, and nice soft socks
- snacks
- change of clothes for during the day (don’t forget undergarments)
- toiletries: body wash, deodorant, tooth brush and paste
- pediatrician documentation and contact information
- an outfit for when the photographer comes by at the hospital
- 2-3 outfits for while you’re in the hospital, in newborn and 0-3 months sizes since you wont know the baby’s size. Many people choose to bring onesies, but you might want to stick with two-piece outfits. Especially if you have a boy, you have a circumcision wound and an umbilical cord stub to avoid, so try to make it easy on yourself and go with two piece clothing.
- coming home outfit: one in newborn and one in 0-3 months sizes
- a blanket for swaddling or a swaddler
- socks
- hat
- mittens
- car seat (have it already installed and in the car)