7am: I’m up by 7 everyday and I check my phone in bed until 8 when Dutch gets up. He usually gets up a little earlier than 8am, but he has quiet time in his room until 8am. This has been a great character builder for practicing patience and learning to be quiet and still.
8am. Face washed, teeth brushed, leggings on, hair in top knot, iced coffee in hand, dinner in the crockpot (thanks to my bestie & our freezer club meal swap)..... time to get Dutch up.
9am: I've nursed, put makeup on, breakfast (for Dutch, the dogs, & myself), posted our blog on social media, listened to the Today show, packed & made snack for our morning activity (we do something every morning: the park, library, pool, playdate, etc. Today we are headed to the children's museum. We love the tots area)......FYI: I've only made it a 1/4 of the way through my iced coffee.
10am: We are just about at the museum, but right before we left this little boy serenaded me with the sweetest music. He truly loves music these days. He likes to make music and dance to music.
11am: Dutch's favorite activity at the children's museum is always driving the trucks :-)
12pm: Well I was going to take my sweet boy on a date (because this mama is craving a salad) but my date has fallen asleep. So we'll have to save our date for tomorrow. I guess today is a Chick-Fil-A drive through lunch day because we all know you never, EVER, wake a sleeping baby
1pm: Successful transfer of sleeping baby to the crib. Checking email, stir dinner, and starting to order fall clothes for Dutch. I have the hardest time keeping this kid in clothes that fit. He grows way too fast!
2pm: Cloth diapering mamas know, acceptance is the first step: the laundry will NEVER be done. (Plus Teeny Peep photobomb). Time to fold the first load of diapers for today.
4pm: Bible lesson: 'C' is for church (Acts 2:45).
5pm: Dutch could read books for hours...so far today we've read books for almost 2 hrs! He will bring me a book, and he wants to sit in my lap and have me read it to him. Then when I’m done reading he will bring me another one, until I have read every book we own! He absolutely loves books. Sometimes while I’m doing dishes he will come pull on my leg and I will look down at him holding a book up at me. I cannot resist this! Dishes can wait and we read books on the kitchen floor.
6pm: Dinner roasted chicken, green beans with cranberries, & mashed potatoes. It tasted like thanksgiving! So yummy!
7pm: Just keep'n it real lol The Mr got home from work early (usually he gets home between 8 & 9) so I'm getting a jump start on cleaning the house.
8pm: Went on our evening walk, washed & nursed Dutch, and got him to bed. Now it's time to unwind from the day. Diffusing lavender essential oil is always helpful for relaxation in the evening.
9pm: Showered, finished another load of cloth diapers, read Bringing Up Bebe (again!), & hoping to pass out in the same place I woke up at some point in the next hour. But the joke is on me! I actually didn’t fall asleep for another 2.5 hours (no pictures of this because who wants to see that?)
So that is our pretty regular day, now times today by 7 and that's our everyday :-) It isn’t a glamorous life but it is a life I love and am grateful for every single day!