Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Breakfast (Lunch & Dinner) Club

Some of the women in my Saved-2-Serve class (my young married couples Sunday School class) went to see the movie Julie and Julia. I have not yet seen this movie, but apparently in the movie the character Julie starts blogging about the recipes she tries from a cookbook by Julia Child. This movie has inspired many women to start a special kind of book club, and the women in my class are no different.

We are going to spend 9 months cooking our way through one of my favorite chef’s cookbooks: Ina Garten’s “The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook”. For this club, we will each be cooking 2 recipes from the book every week. And like a book club meets to discuss a book, we will meet every 4-6 weeks for a “Girls Night Potluck Dinner”. We will each bring a dish that we have made from the book and together will discuss particular recipes we have done over the past month or so. In the movie, Julie blogs about each recipe that she tries and our group will also be doing that, commenting on how difficult the recipe was, how it tasted, as well as offer suggestions for others who are trying a particular recipe.

What will be challenging for me personally with this cookbook club is that Phil and I are on a kick that we call, “investing in our health”. We make sure to buy foods that are organic and healthy for our body so that we develop a healthy lifestyle for our marriage. In order to maintain this goal, I will need to be able to adapt the recipes, when necessary, from Garten’s book to use only the most healthy ingredients or substitutes. My blogs will focus on how well I am able to do this.

I am really excited about starting this cookbook club because Ina Garten is definitely one of my favorite chefs and I really like how realistic her recipes are. Also, typically when I am going to cook something I look through my cookbooks for a recipe….meaning that I skim through picking and choosing. I have never cooked every recipe from a cookbook, so this will be the perfect opportunity for me to try all of the recipes, be challenged in the kitchen, and learn new cooking techniques. Above all, I love moments when I get to gather with other women who have the same love for the Lord as I do, and the time in fellowship spent with other Christian women will be the best and most encouraging part of this experience.

I already call Phil my “Professional Taste-Tester” so I’m sure he is going to like the extra “work” (taste-testing) I will be giving him. So when you start seeing pictures of the food that I attempt to cook, think back to this post.

xoxo Darby
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