In a couple weeks, when I get a chance to write it all out, I am going to share all of the things I keep in our "Busy Bag". But as a sneak peak, this is one of the items that I keep on hand for when the world is melting down (according to me + the babies), and I don't want to resort to screens. Educational, fun, & easy, plus FREE....recipe for turning those frowns upside down!
This is such an easy activity to prepare & have on hand just for when the going gets tough! Go here to print the FREE file! When you print it off, laminate it (optional), and punch holes over the black dot. Then using these links, ask your child to connect chains to the card with the corresponding number, e.g. card 6, gets 6 chains, etc. This is such an easy task to have ready in a ziplock bag to pull out to practice number recognition, counting, & fine motor skills. Check it out and tell me what your preschooler thinks :-)