For whatever reason, this milestone is a really big one to me. When my babies have been earth side the same amount of time that they were in my womb it really makes me see how time changes so much. It pulls on my mama heart like you would not believe! In my mind this is officially the last “bumpdate” for each baby: when they have been earth side the same time as I carried them. It’s a big milestone.
I remember reaching this milestone with Dutch, and it amazed me. Dutch was born at 40 weeks and 6 days.
Ellis was born at exactly 39 weeks (the exact day I told my doula she would be born back when I was only 6 weeks. Sometimes mamas just know this stuff.) So here she on the outside for the same amount she was on the inside!!! Major milestone!
(Dutch on the left & Ellis on the right)Both babies at the same milestone, though Dutch was 40 weeks (left) and Ellis was 39 weeks (right)
I do love having my babies in my arms, but I definitely miss feeling them kick me (on the inside, kicking on the outside is far less cute hehe), and the safety that my womb provided them. They are both growing so fast. I can’t stop starring and trying my best to soak in and embrace these baby days.