I think most people consider bloggers to be open books (or open blogs? however that works). Well as with you, I’m sure there are plenty of things I don’t know about you. So today I wanted to share five random facts with you about me.
Are they stupid facts? Absolutely!
But that doesn’t make it any less fun, right? (crickets chirping?)
- Pet Peeves- I can’t stand mouth sounds. This of course includes people chewing with their mouths open and clicking their teeth, etc. But most importantly, what grinds my gears the most, is when I can hear someone chewing even when your mouth is closed (i.e. chewing carrots, crackers, or chips). It drives me up the wall! I’m all about table manners! Also another pet peeve is being respectful. I firmly believe that we can expressing differing opinions without being offensive. We can respect those that are different from us & still be respectful; I feel like this is hard to find in our society lately.
- Phobias- Okay I know this is weird, I have been told this many times before, but it doesn’t change how I feel: I hate elbow pits. You know, the inside space where you elbow bends? Yea, that makes my skin crawl. I don’t like looking at the elbow pits of others, or talking about it (even writing about it right now is making me anxious). You can imagine how horrible it is for me to get blood drawn or to donate blood. I think this phobia stems from a traumatic car accident I was in right before I entered the second grade (yes this phobia has been with me for decades). Oh and my other phobia is sharks. Unless I can see the bottom of the ocean I am not going deeper than my knees. So yea, I don’t frequent many Texas beaches!
- Allergies- I am allergic to some material in disposable diapers, I'm not sure what the material is exactly though. As a child it irritated me and my mother switched to reusable diapers. Even now disposable diapers make me break out. Something else that irritates my skin to no end is glitter. I love the look of glitter, but I can’t be around it or else I break out in itchy hives for days. And lastly, I’m truly a girl who loves her jewels. I can’t wear cheap jewelry. The nickel that is often in cheap jewelry makes me break out in hives also.
- Shower Schedule- (See I told you this was going to be a random list of facts lol) I shower twice a day: as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed. Even though I shower 2x a day, I still, never fails, drop my soap in every. single. shower.
- Middle Name- My born middle name was Frances. It was my grandfather’s mother’s name. While I appreciate the sentiment of the name, it just isn’t me. Do I look like a Frances to you? I don’t see it. So when I got married I dropped my middle name. My new middle name is my maiden name, which happens to also start with an F so all of my monogram is still the same, and we all know how much I love me some monogram :-)
Happy “New Years”!!!