On a recent trip to Trader Joe’s the Mr and I discovered Cookie Butter.
Folks, this stuff is life changing!
I posted about it on instagram and apparently y’all think so too!
It’s like gingerbread cookies ground up into a thick spread, similar to the consistency of peanut butter but very smooth. You can use it to top your waffles, ice cream, or dip your celery, pretzels, apples and really I could go on and on (just ask the Mr, he hears me ramble on about this continually. I have even been bringing it up in class with my students lol).
Ok so for lent I gave up dairy…..seriously that was a huge sacrifice for me and it really provided me with more opportunities to lean on Him, which was the point so I chose a good thing to eliminate.
But, since I couldn’t have any dairy products in my morning coffee, I had to get creative since I’m not a fan of black coffee. When I discovered cookie butter I knew exactly what to do.
I decided to add a little dollop, about a 1/2 of a teaspoon, of cookie butter to my hot coffee since it is dairy-free. It melted in with my hot coffee and added a fabulous flavor with minimal calories to my morning coffee! Yum-o!
Holy moly this stuff is delicious!
Yes, if I were you, I would bet money that you will see some more recipes with cookie butter around here soon lol
Anyone else try this stuff recently?
What do you dip in your cookie butter?
I was not paid for this review; everything written is of my own opinion.