Story Time 1:
During my first trimester, well and still now really, I was really very sensitive to smells. I have always had a pretty good detector on the front of my face but now this sense is super heightened. Anyways, Rooney was in the bathroom while I was showering one day, and when I opened the shower curtain to get my towel Rooney tooted. Yes, I’m talking full-on, loud and clear, stink bomb. Now I’m not blaming this tootie on Rooney because he can't defend himself on here because of the whole absent opposable thumb issue; it really was a stinky pup fart. (already I can't believe I'm sharing this story with you lol) Since I just got out of the shower I couldn’t just run out of the bathroom butt-naked, but the smell was beginning to consume me and I knew I was starting to turn green. I couldn’t escape the smell and it was burning brain cells but I couldn’t figure out a plan of escape fast enough. As I started gagging I realized this was going to be ugly, so I leaned over and got sick in the sink. Now I was hurling so hard and uncontrollable that I started to wet myself. That’s right, imagine walking into a fart-filled bathroom with a naked pregnant woman hurling in the sink while urine ran down her legs into the bathtub. So needless to say, I had to get back in the shower and clean-up, but not before that pup got the boot out of the bathroom! That pup's gas is atrocious!
Story Time 2:
When I was 15 weeks preggers, I got a tough cold; like a cold that knocked me on my boo-tay! I was coughing so much that my throat was completely raw, so raw that when I coughed or sneezed blood came up. Nasty! I ended up pulling all of the muscles in my back because my coughing became so violent. Since my gag reflex was so sensitive, when I was trying to cough up the gunk, I would end up making myself sick. On my toughest night, I was throwing up at least once an hour because of all of the coughing, and I camped out in front of the toilet because there was no use in getting up if I was going to be right back there in 45 minutes (I was sick and lazy). I recall this kind of "camp-out" after many nights out in college, only this time the reason could not have been more different. Anyways, I digress, my bladder control is so sensitive that when I was coughing my lungs up and puking, every muscle in my body was tense, and I ended up wetting myself. Yep, every 45 minutes I was coughing, puking, and wetting myself....reaaaaallly attractive. The next morning when the Mr. woke up I can only imagine what was going through his mind when he found me passed out in the hall, and with a pile of towels, undies, and socks next to the toilet. Thank goodness that man loves me.
So there it is, real-life pregnancy! No pictures today….I figured wetting my pants and exposing myself was enough for you. At least I hope so ;-)