Friday, September 20, 2013

Be More Awesome

Congratulations!  You made it to another Friday!!!!
You made it through another week and you might need another pep talk before going into the weekend.
Kid President is visiting again (see his last visit here) .  
You know what? This kid is so wise!
This pep talk is for the teachers and the students out there......this means this is for EVERYONE!
"It's time to be more awesome"
"Time to wake up people; time to get your learn on"
"YOU matter"
"Life is school, but you've got to show up"
"If you want to change the world you've got to know about it"
"Seriously, read a book, any book"
"What are you teaching the world?"
"No matter who you are, someone is learning from you"
"Everybody is a teacher and everybody is a student"
"Let's make some history together"
"Get your learn on"

Happy Friday friends!
Thanks Kellyn for sending me this link!
xoxo Darby
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