This year, the entire day revolved around our 2 o'clock appointment at the fire station (which was a surprise for Dutch). We started the day with breakfast tacos & red donuts (Dutch loves anything and everything red, trucks are red, of course). We went to the park to feed the ducks, fly his kite, play at the splash pad, & ride the train. For lunch we went to Chuy's for tacos, and headed home for a dress change.
Dutch had no idea that we were going to the fire station, so we came home and got him dressed in his fireman gear. If you know Dutch, then you know the boy just loves everything fireman. We told him that we were going to a fire station to look at the would have thought we told him he won the lottery; he was ecstatic. He toured the station, told all of the firemen what everything was on the trucks (he genuinely impressed them with his knowledge of the trucks, specific buttons, and gear). He also played Twenty-One Questions (read: FOUR Billion Questions) with them. Sidebar: if this fireman gig doesn't work out for him, he might want to consider being a detective or a scientist. His mind is very focused and inquisitive. We met the Chef and sat in the trucks, and looked the hoses and ladders. He was thrilled and delighted beyond belief. (We've even done a firefighter unit before)
We came home and the kids napped. That evening we ordered pizza & he opened gifts that our families sent him. I tried my hand at making a strawberry firetruck cake, per the birthday boy's request. The Mr. had a great idea of using Dutch's hockey pucks for tires on the cake. Pure genius if you ask me.
It was a fantastic day doing all the things Dutch loves, and I so much enjoyed watching him smile all day long. This has been a year of true growth, physically, cognitively, and spiritually for him, and the joy it brings me to watch him develop overwhelms me. I do not comprehend why I get to be his mother, but I am honored and grateful. Dutchie, my sweet fireman, I love you with every cell in my body and I am so grateful I got to spend your 4th birthday with you. I continue to pray that you will have decades of spectacular birthdays, and that as you age, each day you grow closer and closer to the Lord. Love, Mama