Before our unit began, I made, printed, & laminated these cards (get them here for FREE!). In this set you get both the days of the week as well as the four seasons. I printed mine in color onto cardstock. Since the cards were laminated, we easily used dry erase markers to practice our handwriting.
I find that songs are really helpful at learning something, but also remembering the order something goes in. So to practice both of these concepts we learned these two songs:
Once my kids were able to recognize what each card said, or what each day or season started with, we used these as actual sight word flashcards. 

After we learned the seasons, we discussed which months go in each season. I already had those flashcards made from when we learned the letter 'm' so I pulled those out and we were able to sort the months into the seasons. The months of the year flashcards are also FREE for you here.