We probably all have a ton of trays but I wanted to share this one with you because it really is so cute & we will be able to get a lot of fun activities using the tray. It was only $10 but I think it will be so cool for this summer when we are talking about the 4th of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, & Memorial Day. Here are some ways that I plan on using this in our home classroom:
-Learn all of the colors of the flag
-Practice the pledge of allegiance
-Count the stars or put a pom pom or a plastic star on top of each star using fine motor tools.
-Line the stripes in corresponding glittered stars.
-Talk about the 50 states, and practice saying them.
-Talk about alphabetical order
-Dutch, 3 years old, will trace the letters in the states with a dry erase marker.
-Letter hunting! I might say "Can you circle an 'm' in red? Can you find an 'm' in white?" Using a dry erase marker they can circle it, or place a pom pom or plastic star on the letter
-Put red stars on all of the vowels and blue stars on all of the consonants
Doesn't that sounds like such a fun way to practice, finding letters, sounding out the states, counting the stripes & the stars. I think we can get a lot of activities out of this tray. I hope they are as excited as I am!