With the new year, I wanted to start a new series of posts around LWTH. I used to do a series on Wednesdays: "What I'm Lovin' Wednesday"...yea, I know really creative. But this new series is less regimented & more of a conversation, as if we had a coffee date together & we were sharing the latest things in life that are really small but just make life more manageable.
A few years ago, I ordered a pair of tall brown boots for $25 from Zulily. Since then, I wore them so much that almost every time I wore them I had to hot glue the strap that went across the top of my foot back on. And, occasionally, it would come unglued when I was out & about. Sad? Yes! My bestie told me about the amazing quality of Bed Stu shoes last year, but when I saw the price tag I almost choked. Last fall my boots kept falling apart & I was just tired of gluing my shoes together. I'm not a cobbler! So I took the plunge and I purchased these boots. They are ah-maz-ing and I don't regret it at all!!! (Of course I shopped for a 25% off coupon though! Phew!) These are the best boots I have ever owned; real leather & amazing quality. These boots will easily pay for themselves since I wont be buying new boots every couple years (or gluing them back together). I have worn them almost every day since I got them too. I absolutely love them. I should have listened to my bestie when she said to get them last year.
Did you happen to see the amazing fall collection by Grace & Lace?! If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that I'm borderline clinically obsessed with this company. I just love the mission of the organization with owners who love Jesus & genuinely give back, & if that wasn't enough, they had a pretty epic fall release. These two items, the bamboo duster & the bamboo cascade, are their new Luxe items. They are honestly the softest fabrics I have ever felt & I have been wearing them nonstop for 2 months. I don't ever put them away because I know that I will be wearing them again soon. I've posted about them a lot on Instagram so you need to follow me there for my outfits. I own the mushroom cascade and both the sand and the midnight in the duster.....I think I need the other color of the cascade too because I just love it so much. Pah-lease do yourself a favor and go check these out!
So those are my few splurges that are giving me a smile. What small things have you done lately that are just making life more bearable?
Obligatory Blogger Disclaimer~ I was not compensated in any way for this post; I just really like these products.