How far along: 37 weeks
Fruit-size comparison: A wintermelon (not a watermelon...that is not a typo, just another weird fruit)
Developmental milestones: Little Peep is now full-term!!!! He is starting to finish up his in utero development and getting that first dirty diaper ready for mommy and daddy!
Maternity clothes: Yep! I purchased some in a size larger than normal back around Christmas and left them in my closet with the tags on. Since my regular maternity clothes have grown uncomfortable these have been a nice treat: they're like new because they have the tags on them and they make me feel more comfortable and pretty :-)
Weight gain: 30 lbs total according to my Dr. I'm still under the recommended 35 so both my dr. and I feel good about this.
Stretch Marks: Oh Lord, yes and I'm totally loving every single kiss from heaven!
Sleep: Is going pretty well. I do have my 5-6 potty breaks every 1.5 hours, but I fall right back to sleep.
Best moment of the week: I had my doctors appointment this week and Little Peep was looking great. His heart rate was up (161) compared to two weeks ago. The doc has me laying really low and quiet so that I can make it through the end of the semester. This week was also my first mother's day with a baby in my tummy. The Mr. and I already consider ourselves parents since we lost our first baby in 2010, plus our 4-legged children. On Saturday the Mr. and I ran errands to make sure that the house was stocked with everything for a while and we also got to stop at my favorite place for lunch ( know I love the pizza there). Then he took me to my favorite French restaurant for dinner and it was so delicious! On Sunday we we went to church and purchased a new fridge (our 3rd one in a year!) for the garage so that I could start stocking the freezer with meals for us this summer. We took a nap, watched sports, played with the pups, and I made spinach rolls and chicken parmesan for dinner. To me there was no better way to spend a Mother's Day than with my family. I'm looking forward to how different this holiday will be next year :-)
Movement: I still love feeling him wiggle all around.
Cravings: Sweets....especially doughnuts
Gender: A little boy!!!
Belly button in or out: "Flattie"
Wedding ring: On
Anything making you queasy/sick: Nope
What I miss: Being able to hold my puppies in my lap. They just don’t fit and they don’t understand why I can’t hold them anymore. It breaks my heart to have to tell them ‘no’ and see their sad puppy faces.
What I’m looking forward to: The school year being over, not so much because I'm ready for school to be over, because I love my job and I'm actually quite sad to see some of my seniors graduate (sad for me, but happy for them of course), but because the anxiety of making it through the semester without pregnancy complications or going into early labor will be gone.
What I’m looking forward to: The school year being over, not so much because I'm ready for school to be over, because I love my job and I'm actually quite sad to see some of my seniors graduate (sad for me, but happy for them of course), but because the anxiety of making it through the semester without pregnancy complications or going into early labor will be gone.
Labor signs: Yep :-) I have lots of pressure and some contractions, though nothing regular or painful. I have also started dilating :-) We finished our last doula class this week so I think we are as mentally ready as we can be for D-day
Symptoms: Still lots of pressure and my right foot is still hilariously swollen.
Nursery: Done, and I can’t wait to add the final piece, Little Peep, to complete the room :-)
Emotions: There is a weird feeling in the's a bittersweet feeling. We are so very excited to meet Little Peep and begin the Parenthood chapter in our book together, but I have to say that there are some sad feelings: Is this the last time we get to grocery shop as just us? Is this the last time we go to dinner as just us? Is this our last quiet night at home for a while? Will this be the last full night of sleep for a while? Is this the last time I feel Little Peep kick me, from the inside? Is this the last time my belly will be this swollen with a child? Since these occasions might be the last we are embracing them; every second is special and a blessing which we are grateful for. Just like Jesus knew at The Last Supper (Luke 22:19-20) that it would be His last meal, we are trying to embrace our time together because we do not know when our last meal as just a family of 2 will be.