After the intense game (on top of an exhausting work week) I fell asleep and Phil took this picture of me. I guess I'm even a fan in my sleep!
Friday night my friend Bella (her real name is Kristen Bellamy, but I never call her that) went to see the Phil Griffen Band. Bella went to RMC with Phil and me, and was in my sorority (Delta Zeta). She moved down to Houston about a year ago and we are very active in the alumnae chapter here. The chapter hosts an annual charity event to benefit our philanthropy and this year Bella and I are chairing the event. I say all this because that is why we went to see this band; we have hired them for the event and wanted to see them play. The band was great and I can’t wait until they get to play at our DZ benefit. On Saturday we went to check out the venue that we have booked. The event will be at the Historical Heights Fire Station and it is going to be beautiful! I will write another post on the actual event sometime soon.
The Phil Griffen Band played at Goode Company out on 290.
Saturday afternoon Phil and I spent a lot of time on homework, but managed to spend some quality time together making "Linner" (lunch and dinner). We had steak (when I say “we” I mean Phil hehe) and jumbo shrimp. Lately Central Market has been having some awesome deals. We got fresh, and natural meat for both of us for the price it would have been for one of us to order dinner out; crazy!
The grilled shrimp in rice pilaf with yellow and red peppers and feta cheese. I didn’t get the camera out fast enough for the steak.
Football season is just not complete without a large pot of chili!
The Hawleys wish you a great week!