Monday, July 9, 2018

Books For Motherhood {Infertility & Pregnancy}

Books for motherhood. Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? It does for me.  I buy SO many books for my kids, and I'm reading to them constantly, but let me tell you something: I struggle A LOT with finding time for myself to read & to grow myself.  It is a major challenge for me.  I love reading and I want to model a lifestyle of reading for my children, but it. is. hard.  Finding time to read, is one thing, but finding time to read and not fall asleep is an entirely different battle.  Despite the challenge, I want my kids to see me reading, so I'm working hard at it.  I've round up some of my favorite books that I always come back to for various reasons in three different categories: infertility & pregnancy, the early years, and homeschooling.  I'm going to make this a 3-part series so that my brain isn't overwhelmed.

Also in this series:
Books for Motherhood- Life with the Hawleys
Before I really start I have to say: parenting books are not my thing.  I'm NOT a big parenting book person. Parenting books are overwhelming, over the top, unrealistic, don't apply to me, make me feel worse about myself, or I just plain don't agree with the presented philosophy.  All that to say, I'm very selective about what book I'm actually going to try really hard to read.  I don't have a lot of time so I'm not going to waste it on just any book.  Occasionally I find a gem of a book that works really well for me and these are the ones I'm sharing with you today.

This first book goes in all of the categories.  I can't tell you how many copies of this book I have gifted to others, because it addresses ALL of life's issues.  The Greatest Book of all time, the Bible. I like this one just because it's pretty :-) There is a devotional that goes with it that I have yet to try, but I really want to.51V5GmRFX7L._SX399_BO1,204,203,200_
Books on Infertility and Pregnancy- Life with the Hawleys
Empty Womb Aching Heart: I read this after we lost our first baby. (More on our story of infertility here) I loved this book and I always recommend it to those I know struggling with fertility; I think I’ve even referred to it around here as “Chicken Soup for the Infertile Soul”, because it’s such a great book that offers so many different kinds of stories on infertility.  What I really liked about this book and why it provided me comfort was that these stories were real, nothing was sugar coated, raw emotions were shared, and not everyone ended up with a baby.  To me this book was comforting because it was more realistic, and not just stories with fairy tale endings.

Feed Your Fertility: After it took 4 years to get our first child, I was ready to try just about anything for our next child.  When we had confirmation that it was time to start trying to grow our family again.  To prepare my body I did all of the regular things (exercise, eat right, prenatal vitamins, blah blah blah you know the drill), but I also read and applied this book which removes all toxins from your environment (everything from changing your water source, cosmetics, cleaners, everything!).  I figured even if this didn’t help us conceive they were still healthy measures to take to create a safer environment in our home. The road to our next child was MUCH shorter (like 3 years and 11 months shorter), and it may or may not have been due to this, but I always recommend it just in case. Can't hurt!

Your Pregnancy Devotional: 280 Days of Prayer and Inspiration: This is a short devotional for each day of pregnancy.  Each day has a verse of scripture and devotional to pray over your baby.  When I was pregnant it was so wonderful to start each morning, me and baby, together with the Lord.  It is my favorite part of the day.

Babyproofing Your Marriage: I put this book in this category of books, and not the next one (The Early Years) strategically.  If you are pregnant now, go ahead and read this.  Don't wait until you're exhausted and in the thick of it to read the book.  Be proactive and not reactive.  Read it now before the baby arrives so that you're prepared and are sleeping (even if you think getting up a lot to pee isn't sleeping, I promise it is compared to what you're about to experience).  This will help you know what to expect in how your relationship will change after the birth of the baby.  Don't just read pregnancy books.  Pregnancy is very short.  Motherhood is MUCH longer.  Read for motherhood.

Gentle Babies: I love this reference guide for my crunchy life.  It's a great resource for tips on how to use oils safely with pregnancy, labor, delivery, infants, & children.

Okay, these are my favorites. 
What others have you come across that you would add to this list or recommend for me to read?

Don't forget to check out my other book recommendations:
The Early Years ~ Homeschooling

Obligatory Blogger Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this review; I genuinely enjoy these books.
xoxo Darby
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